
Practicum PR-614 (4 CUs)

The Practicum is designed by the faculty of the Bible Institute in order to provide the individual student with an opportunity to practice what he (or she) has learned and to exercise the student’s spiritual gifts in a controlled setting. The Practicum is intended to be an opportunity to give practical counsel and experience to …

Practicum PR-614 (4 CUs) Read More »

Pastoral Epistles BN-603 (3 CUs)

Dr. Shade examines the three Pastoral Epistles of 1 & 2 Timothy, and Titus especially in the light of their application to church policy and leadership. The dangers faced by the early church and its leaders and the exhortations given are viewed in the light of the real and present dangers faced by the church …

Pastoral Epistles BN-603 (3 CUs) Read More »

Revelation BI-644 (4 CUs)

The book of Revelation is the high water mark of prophecy. What began in Genesis and developed through the Old and New Testaments finds it culmination in this great book of victory and glory. Dr. David Levy teaches this book from a literal / grammatical / dispensational perspective, and demonstrates that it gathers the confusion …

Revelation BI-644 (4 CUs) Read More »

Daniel BI-634 (4 CUs)

The book of Daniel has been called the key to understanding prophecy. Correctly interpreting this book means putting the whole prophetic picture in place. No teacher is better at that than Dr. Renald Showers. You will sit at the feet of one of the greatest prophetic scholars of our time as you study this great …

Daniel BI-634 (4 CUs) Read More »

1 & 2 Peter BN-592 (2 CUs)

The two epistles of Peter are the last work from the great “Apostle of Hope.” In them Peter obeys our Lord’s final command to “feed my sheep and tend my lambs.” In the first epistle the key word is “Suffering” and Christ is set forth as our example. In the second, the key word is …

1 & 2 Peter BN-592 (2 CUs) Read More »

Religions and Cults MI-629 (9 CUs)

A comprehensive study of major religions and cults, old and new. Special attention is given to new developments within recent decades and the connection between them and their roots in ancient pagan teaching. Focus will be placed on the founders, organizations, and operations of major contemporary movements. (Dr. George Syme / Dr. Bill Shade)

Prison Epistles BN-583 (3 CUs)

Dr. H. A. Ironside is again our teacher as we move into a comprehensive study of Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. These epistles examine the full depth of Christian doctrine and life. Please note that Philemon is not covered in this course.

Christian Ethics SL-534 (4 CUs)

The Scriptures establish standards of morality and principles upon which morality is built. This course by Dr. Shade will explore those standards and principles and apply them to some of the most common questions of our time such as capital punishment, abortion, homosexuality, and the use of drugs and intoxicants. The course seeks to provide …

Christian Ethics SL-534 (4 CUs) Read More »

1 and 2 Thessalonians BN-573 (3 CUs)

Dr. Shade leads us through a careful examination of these two epistles so practical for the believers life and yet so full of eschatological truth. Difficulties of interpretation are addressed and resolved.

Eschatology TH-547 (7 CUs)

Dr. Shade begins with a thorough examination of the basis for prophetic interpretation found in the great unconditional Biblical Covenants and then traces the path of prophecy throughout the Scriptures, dealing with the major themes of Israel, the Church, the Kingdom, the Judgment, and the Eternal State.

Christian Evidences TH-436 (6 CUs)

Dr. Shade provides the student with strong and irrefutable evidence for the Bible as a special revelation from God to man. Internal and external evidence is brought forth with which to substantiate the claims of Scripture and thus the claims of Christianity itself. The course includes a consideration of the credibility of the Bible in …

Christian Evidences TH-436 (6 CUs) Read More »

Hebrews BN-464 (4 CUs)

A thorough examination of this controversial epistle by one of the most capable expositors of last century, Dr. William Allen Dean. Careful attention is given to the contrast between the shadows of the Old Covenant and the realities of the New. Special emphasis is given to those passages which seem to suggest that a believer, …

Hebrews BN-464 (4 CUs) Read More »