Recent events around the world have left many with a feeling of helplessness. Seeing the destruction of homes and country infrastructures, along with the loss of life and possessions have left those of us at a distance wanting to do something, anything to ease the pain and conflict.
Frustrated, most don’t have means to intervene personally or financially, but by no means does that mean we are totally unable to help.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16b KJV
I know it seems cliché to say we can pray. But let’s make no mistake, there is nothing cliché about it. Countless times, whether we recall specific instances or not, we have seen God intervene on our behalf. When hope seemed lost, He was there. When there seemed to be no means to provide for specific needs, He was there.
How many times have we cried out to God to intervene in our lives and then have the front row seat to watch Him work? Maybe our trials seem trivial to the dangerous situation we see unfolding before us. Big or small, does violence or war, death and destruction fall outside the boundaries of what we can ask for from God to show His mighty power over?
This season of trials shouldn’t have us frustrated asking how we can help; it should have us already on our knees begging God to intervene!
James describes prayer like a battery, “effectual fervent,” from the Greek word we get “energy” . Literally meaning energy that is being made effective. It is the difference in the energy in a battery being stored but unused, and the battery being placed in something and used to its capacity.
James exhorts us that when a righteous man, petitions God (prayer), His power is unleashed. His power is made available. The completeness of His strength will be revealed and on display. That doesn’t sound helpless at all. In fact, we have at our disposal the greatest resource known to man.
Perhaps the only limiting factor in this process is when James says that it is the “righteous man” whose prayers “availeth much.” May we make sure to position ourselves spiritually, so that at all times, whenever we might be called on to petition God for help, we can be counted on to apply His great power to others great need.
Dr. Ronald J. Barnes Jr.
President / CEO
March 1, 2022