I didn’t have an older brother to look up to, but I did have uncles. They were strong and
athletic, and I always admired them. The younger ones used to spend time with me and
my cousins, and though I was much younger, I wanted to impress them. I wanted to do
everything that they did.
We would often swim in the lake when I visited, and they would love to show off. They
would run and swing far into the lake on the rope swing and then dive effortlessly into
the water. They were daredevils. I was not. They would invite me to join in and I tried to
not be scared or at least show it, but inevitably, I would almost always fail miserably. It
would make me extremely upset, not because I couldn’t do it, but because I really could!
I just let fear prevent me from being successful.
Even though I saw my uncles do it over and over successfully, I would still doubt if the
rope would hold me, if my hands would slip, if I’d crash into the tree, and if I’d land hard
and hurt myself. With all these things running through my head, instead of holding on
tight and setting my sights on the center of the pond, I’d timidly, distractedly, unfocused,
make a weak attempt at pushing off and immediately setting my sites on plan “b” for my
hard landing, missing the mark.
We do this far too often in our spiritual walk, lose our focus and plan for failure and
James addresses it to these similarly timid and at times lukewarm Christians.
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and
upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For
he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not
that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. James 1:5–7. KJV
After having just convinced these Believers to seek wisdom from God who provides it
liberally, he stipulates one additional condition. In order to take advantage of this
wisdom, they have to ask in “unwavering” faith.
He describes wavering faith like a wave, that is driven by the wind, whichever direction
the wind determines, regardless of the will of the wave. Some versions say wavering
others doubting, but literally, it’s the combination of two words to “separate thoroughly.”
A faith that isn’t solidly unified, will too easily fall apart completely.
God’s wisdom is another layer to our spiritual walk that is reserved for the most
committed in their faith, to those who have a concrete faith, a solid faith. It is
unattainable to those who are double-minded, doubting in the sufficiency of God
unwavering, characteristically having a plan “b” just in case.
God entrusts His wisdom only to those who possess a unified faith, not divided. It
demonstrates that we can be trusted with such a priceless gift, but one that comes with
much responsibility. This faith is not only a prerequisite, it isn’t just that God places
stipulations on His people, but rather it would truly be impossible to acquire wisdom, to
fully possess it, if our faith wasn’t completely focused on Him.
So, feel free to ask God for wisdom, but understand it can only come when your faith is
fully in Him.
Dr. Ronald J. Barnes, Jr.
President / CEO
August 21, 2023