With the birth of a new grandbaby in the family, it is particularly fun to watch her interact
with her cousin as she gets older. It’s very sweet… usually. Recently, they have started
this little cousin’s communication back and forth with, well… a little screech. Yes, one
will screech, from wherever, then the other one screeches back, then laugh, back and
forth and back and forth until they get bored. At home, it’s kind of cute, in a restaurant or
store, not so cute.
Ok, maybe sometimes it’s still a little cute, particularly when they both end up
somewhere that they didn’t know the other was and usually the baby will screech at
some point and then the toddler responds accordingly announcing loudly and proudly as
though to proclaim, “I’m here too!”
Most of us usually prefer to blend in quietly in a public setting, not drawing too much
attention to ourselves. But in Psalm 145:21, David announces that he intends to get
loud, announce loudly and proudly, for “ever and ever,” his praise of the Lord.
My mouth shall speak the praise of the LORD: and let all flesh bless his holy name for
ever and ever. Psalm 145:21. KJV.
There is a difference between “speaking” the praise of the Lord and boldly announcing it
which is the tone of the specific use of the word chosen for “speak” here. The Bible
often uses this word “dabar” when God talks, it’s bold, direct, confident, not in a prideful
way, but speaking deliberately.
David makes clear that he doesn’t plan to be shy in his praise for the Lord and will do
his part to lead the charge in getting others excited about Him too. There is something
about confident joy, praise, and jubilation and we Christians don’t do it enough. We don’t
exude our praise for the Lord in such a way that it attracts and draws others into that
Those same two grandbabies quite often don’t catch the context or meaning about
what’s going on in their surroundings, but every time people are happy, laughing, even
clapping, they joyfully join in. They too want to be a part of what’s going on. Our
celebration of God is a testimony of God and likewise draws people into taking part of
whatever we are celebrating! Our lives should demonstrate loudly and boldly our praise
of God, our recognition of His Holy name, through which others too may discover for
themselves the joy of experiencing life in His Holy name!
Dr. Ronald J. Barnes, Jr.
President / CEO
July 31, 2023