Attached to this lesson, you will find the form for your first Reading Report. This report will be uploaded before your first Examination.
Read 1 Corinthians rapidly and at one sitting in the language you know best. Make a list of five to 10 benefits God had given the Corinthians or had done for them. Do not try to list more than 10 benefits since you are to read rapidly to get an overall impression of the letter.
Learn the answers to the questions at the beginning of each lesson (Lesson Objectives).
The Lesson Quizzes are for self-evaluation.
(unsure what to do with this paragraph) When you know all the answers to the first test, you are ready for the second test. Write your answers thoughtfully, carefully, and briefly. Then check them with those in the Answer Key on page 173. If you check the answer for one question before answering all, cover answers to questions you have not yet tried. Memorize our answers for the questions with a check mark (). They will be the basis for the Unit Examination.